"Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul ..." Acts 4:32
Campaign Prayer
ALL: Almighty and eternal God,
You alone are the source of every good gift.
We thank You for the blessings you pour out on us,
signs of Your infinite goodness, given freely out of love.
Continue to form each of us into faithful stewards
of your abundant blessings.
Help us to cultivate our gifts with care and love,
to share them generously with those in need,
and to return them with increase to You,
our heavenly Father.
LEADER: As You renew all things in Christ,
grant to our parishes and Diocese a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
May this community of faith
be of one heart and soul
as we work together in Your name.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
ALL: Amen.
LEADER: Our Lady of the Annunciation,
ALL: Pray for us!
LEADER: St. Clement,
ALL: Pray for us!
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Campaign Project Renderings
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This is our hope.
This is the reason why ...
To help our parish family be "home" to all our families ...
those already here, those we yearn to welcome back
and those joining us for the first time.
This is the reason why ...
To help our parish family be "home" to all our families ...
those already here, those we yearn to welcome back
and those joining us for the first time.