Dear Correspondence Families,
We welcome you to the Catechetical Correspondence Program offered through the Diocese of Hamilton and facilitated by our parish. We look forward to supporting you on your faith journey as we acknowledge each family to be a domestic church with responsibility for evangelization. Please let us know how we can assist you as you pass on your faith to your children.
As the Correspondence Programme unfolds, you will be working with one or more of our Parish Catechists:
Gwen Schell and Daniela Switzer.
Gwen Schell and Daniela Switzer.
They will be directly responsible for feedback on lessons, will be the contacts for information and will try to answer any questions or concerns that arise. Most families work on the series of correspondence lessons during the academic year (September through May or June) although the schedule can be whatever works best for your family.
Later in the year, those of you who are preparing for the sacraments will be contacted by our Parish Catechists.
- While the correspondence children who are preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion often accompany the St. Joseph School children in the spring to receive the Sacraments together as a class, you may opt to have your children receive First Communion individually at a Sunday Mass when they are ready. We would be happy to discuss this with families who opt for a more individualized schedule.
- The correspondence students preparing for Confirmation are confirmed with the Grade 7's of our parish schools.
We hope that you will experience the Correspondence Program as a faith-filled family time and that, once started, your family will continue through the various levels. (The Diocese has sourced materials for all grades, beginning in Kindergarten and available through high school.)
We want you to know that everyone is welcome here. Come as you are! We are all blessed with a dedicated parish staff and a fantastic team of volunteers who serve our community with joy and faith.
God bless you as you begin the journey!
We want you to know that everyone is welcome here. Come as you are! We are all blessed with a dedicated parish staff and a fantastic team of volunteers who serve our community with joy and faith.
God bless you as you begin the journey!
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