March 21, 2022
As announced by the Premier of Ontario, effective March 21, 2022, masks are no longer required in most public settings.
Hospitals, healthcare facilities and nursing homes will continue to require masking for staff and visitors alike.
Therefore we wish to clarify the following points:
• Masks are no longer required in any churches, parish offices, meeting spaces and parish halls in the Diocese of Hamilton. While they are no longer required, we must respect those who chose to continue wearing masks because of personal choice.
• Our churches are now open for full capacity; physical distancing is no longer required. Once again, we must be sensitive to those who wish to be seated apart because of personal choice.
• Ropes and other barriers to seating are to be removed.
• Hand sanitizers are to remain available at the entrances of the church; those distributing Holy Communion are to continue using hand sanitizer before and after distributing the Eucharist.
• All liturgical ministries can now be restored as they were exercised prior to the beginning of the pandemic.
• The altar is to remain bare (except for the altar cloth) until the Offertory. The use of the credence table is restored.
• Celebrations of the Children's Liturgy of the Word (and other youth ministry) are permitted.
• The collection may be taken up by ushers using baskets with handles. The passing of a basket among parishioners is not permitted at this time.
• Gifts of Bread and Wine may be presented as was the custom prior to the beginning of the pandemic.
• The Sign of Peace may be given, preferably a bow instead of a handshake.
• For the time being, masks or shields are to be worn by Priests and others when distributing Communion. This will ensure both safety and comfort for all who come forward for Communion.
• For the time being, those who wish to receive Communion on the tongue are asked to come forward after the rest of the assembly has received Communion on the hand.
• Communion from the Chalice is not permitted at this time.
As announced by the Premier of Ontario, effective March 21, 2022, masks are no longer required in most public settings.
Hospitals, healthcare facilities and nursing homes will continue to require masking for staff and visitors alike.
Therefore we wish to clarify the following points:
• Masks are no longer required in any churches, parish offices, meeting spaces and parish halls in the Diocese of Hamilton. While they are no longer required, we must respect those who chose to continue wearing masks because of personal choice.
• Our churches are now open for full capacity; physical distancing is no longer required. Once again, we must be sensitive to those who wish to be seated apart because of personal choice.
• Ropes and other barriers to seating are to be removed.
• Hand sanitizers are to remain available at the entrances of the church; those distributing Holy Communion are to continue using hand sanitizer before and after distributing the Eucharist.
• All liturgical ministries can now be restored as they were exercised prior to the beginning of the pandemic.
• The altar is to remain bare (except for the altar cloth) until the Offertory. The use of the credence table is restored.
• Celebrations of the Children's Liturgy of the Word (and other youth ministry) are permitted.
• The collection may be taken up by ushers using baskets with handles. The passing of a basket among parishioners is not permitted at this time.
• Gifts of Bread and Wine may be presented as was the custom prior to the beginning of the pandemic.
• The Sign of Peace may be given, preferably a bow instead of a handshake.
• For the time being, masks or shields are to be worn by Priests and others when distributing Communion. This will ensure both safety and comfort for all who come forward for Communion.
• For the time being, those who wish to receive Communion on the tongue are asked to come forward after the rest of the assembly has received Communion on the hand.
• Communion from the Chalice is not permitted at this time.
February 2022
Updated Covid-19 Protocols
The Government of Ontario has announced that effective March 1, 2022, the following changes to the Covid-19 protocols will take place, provided that health and health care indicators continue to improve. The changes are as follows:
• Capacity limits are lifted in all indoor public settings;
• Proof of vaccination requirements are lifted, with businesses being allowed to implement them voluntarily;
• Other protective measures, such as mask/face covering requirements will remain in place;
• Public health units can deploy local and regional responses based on local health indicators.
The latest medical opinion we have received from the Worshipsafe Committee of the ACBO informs us that Omicron proves to have much higher airborne and aerosol transmission than previous variants related to higher concentrations of virus in the upper airways, and that transmission by fomites (touching inanimate objects) or by food and water does not appear to occur with the Omicron variant. As a backdrop to the following norms for Parishes in the Diocese of Hamilton, it should be noted, that we need to proceed and re-open cautiously, especially since this pandemic has not concluded. Additional variants of Covid-19 could emerge, which may necessitate further restrictions. Respecting the science, it is our desire to welcome people back to church safely. Some may be hesitant to return and it will be necessary to respect the comfort levels of returning parishioners.
Effective March 1, 2022:
• In accordance with the public health and workplace safety measures, churches may open to full capacity (the same is true for Parish halls and other meeting rooms);
• Attendees should self-screen for any symptoms prior to arrival at Mass;
• Contact lists are not required;
• Masks must be worn by all those attending Mass, two years and older;
• Hand sanitizers should continue to be available to parishioners at church entrances;
• The use of Holy Water is permitted;
• Ushers may be useful in helping parishioners with seating and traffic flow;
• All liturgical ministers (Deacons, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Lectors, Servers, Music ministers) may resume - with attention to distancing wherever possible - vaccination is not required;
• As noted in previous correspondence, hymnals may be in place in the pews;
• Congregational singing is permitted;
• Choirs may resume provided that they wear masks when singing;
• Cantors may be unmasked provided they maintain a 3-meter distance from others;
• Children's Liturgy, if resumed, must include mandatory masking for the children.
• Minimal contact offertory collection is encouraged by ushers extending their baskets or by placement of the collection baskets at the doors. Passing the collection basket from person to person is discouraged.
• The sign of peace by shaking hands is discouraged at this time. It would be appropriate to resume this practice when masks are no longer required and people are more comfortable being in close contact with those outside their household;
• Communion ministers are reminded to sanitize their hands before and after distributing to the faithful;
• The pre-Covid-19 pattern for approaching the minister for Communion may be resumed; parishioners should be reminded to keep a respectful distance from those in front of them;
• Communion in the hand is highly encouraged at this time. Those who wish to receive on the tongue should receive at the end of the Communion procession. Communion from the Chalice is not permitted at this time;
As noted in an earlier memorandum, enhanced cleaning of pews and other surfaces is no longer required. To the extent possible, air circulation should continue to be enhanced. It would be wise to keep posted existing health and hygiene related signage in place, especially as the pandemic is not over, and new variants could emerge.
As previously communicated, work at home measures are no longer in place.
Negative tests for un-vaccinated are no longer required for staff, volunteers or liturgical ministers.
The Holy Father Pope Francis has suggested that it is a moral imperative that people be vaccinated so as to prevent the potential for infection and the spread of Covid-19. All Catholics (clergy and laity) are urged to obtain both doses of an anti-Covid-19 vaccine. Should a Catholic wishing to attend Mass not yet have obtained his or her vaccination, they should take all precautions to see that they do not infect others and see to it that they obtain their vaccinations as soon as is possible. Those feeling ill or showing signs of Covid-19 infection should not attend Mass and should contact their physician or nearest hospital.
December 2021
In view of the quick spreading Omicron variant, everyone is urged to strictly observe all the health protocols which have been previously announced.
1. All participants at Mass are required to wear masks. Those without masks are to be refused entry into the Church or the pastor or his delegates may invite them to be seated in a separate space away from the rest of the assembly.
2. Hand sanitizers are to be used by all who enter the church.
3. Seating for members of the assembly and liturgical ministers is to be physically distanced: (6 feet apart)
4. All liturgical ministers are to be double-vaccinated or provide a negative rapid test prior to Mass.
5. Musicians are to be double vaccinated and distanced from one another (six feet apart). If a small choir is leading the singing, they must observe the same protocols, including masks when not leading the singing.
6. The reception of Holy Communion on the hand is strongly encouraged. If, however, people request Communion on the tongue, they are to receive after all others have received, from the priest or one designated minister. The priest or minister must sanitize their hands before distributing Communion and after all have received. If the priest or minister has touched anyone's tongue, they must sanitize their hands before giving Communion to the next person.
7. At the conclusion of the Mass everyone is asked to leave the church following the directions of the ushers and refrain from congregating in the church after Mass.
8. As much as possible ensure that there is air flow in the church. The use of fans and, where possible, open windows or doors will mitigate any spread of the virus in the congregation.
In view of the quick spread of the Omicron variant, everyone is strongly encouraged to receive Communion in the hand. Those who wish to receive on the tongue are asked to come forward after everyone else has received Communion.
July 2021
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As the Province has entered Step 3 of the Reopening Plan, we are able to accommodate as many people as possible provided that physical distancing is observed and that all Covid protocols are followed.
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As the Province has entered Step 3 of the Reopening Plan, we are able to accommodate as many people as possible provided that physical distancing is observed and that all Covid protocols are followed.
The percentage capacity restrictions are lifted. Each church can now accommodate as many people as possible provided that physical distancing of 2 metres (6 feet) between individuals or family units is observed.
Mask wearing remains required. Masks should be fitted properly to the face.
Hand sanitizing, though not required, is strongly recommended for all entering the church.
Cleaning procedures for pews, washrooms, confessionals and reconciliation rooms are relaxed so as to only require regular cleaning in accordance with pre-Covid-19 routines, with the only exception being when someone with suspected or known Covid-19 has attended, in which case the space should be disinfected as per the previous pandemic requirements.
Churches should be ventilated where possible. This involves opening windows and utilizing fans to exhaust air from the church.
The use of holy water is still not permitted at the entrances of the church.
Hymnals, missals and prayer books may be returned to pews; singing is permitted but only an Instrumentalist and Cantor are permitted to lead the singing. Choirs are not permitted at this time.
Bulletins, envelopes, pamphlets and newspapers may again be distributed.
Votive light stands may be reopened, subject to notices requiring appropriate distancing of 6 feet (2 metres).
Crying rooms and small chapels/devotional areas may be used again as long as 6-foot distancing per persons or family groups is maintained.
Confessionals may be used. However, mask wearing will be required. Priests should employ double masking or use of the N95 mask so as to prevent contamination in closed confessionals. Confessionals should be aired out after each use.
Collections may again be taken up using baskets in the traditional fashion. All Ushers involved in taking up collections should ensure that they wear masks while undertaking this task and use a collection basket with a long handle to maintain the 6-foot (2-metre) distancing. The passing of baskets is discouraged. The collection of offerings at the doors of the church may continue for the time being.
Liturgical ministries (Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers) are to be reintroduced as per pre-pandemic practice, as long as they maintain the 6-foot (2-metre) distance.
The priest and ministers of Communion must sanitize their hands before and after distribution Communion.
The individual dialogue with each communicant (The Body of Christ / Amen) is restored. (Both ministers and communicants must wear masks.)
Only the priest (and concelebrants) are permitted to receive Communion from the chalice.
Communion on the tongue is again permitted, however only the priest shall be permitted to dispense Communion in this fashion. The congregation is to be informed prior to distribution of Communion that those who wish to receive the Eucharist on the tongue may approach the priest for Communion after all others have received. Should the priest make accidental contact with the communicant's tongue, he shall immediately cease distributing Communion, step back, apply hand sanitizer, and then return to continue to provide Communion.
The cleansing of vessels takes place in the same fashion as prior to Covid-19.
It is recommended that the one-way movement for church entry and exit be retained.
The dispensation from the Sunday Obligation remains in place.
The celebration of the Sacraments can now take place as prior to Covid-19.
Mask wearing remains required. Masks should be fitted properly to the face.
Hand sanitizing, though not required, is strongly recommended for all entering the church.
Cleaning procedures for pews, washrooms, confessionals and reconciliation rooms are relaxed so as to only require regular cleaning in accordance with pre-Covid-19 routines, with the only exception being when someone with suspected or known Covid-19 has attended, in which case the space should be disinfected as per the previous pandemic requirements.
Churches should be ventilated where possible. This involves opening windows and utilizing fans to exhaust air from the church.
The use of holy water is still not permitted at the entrances of the church.
Hymnals, missals and prayer books may be returned to pews; singing is permitted but only an Instrumentalist and Cantor are permitted to lead the singing. Choirs are not permitted at this time.
Bulletins, envelopes, pamphlets and newspapers may again be distributed.
Votive light stands may be reopened, subject to notices requiring appropriate distancing of 6 feet (2 metres).
Crying rooms and small chapels/devotional areas may be used again as long as 6-foot distancing per persons or family groups is maintained.
Confessionals may be used. However, mask wearing will be required. Priests should employ double masking or use of the N95 mask so as to prevent contamination in closed confessionals. Confessionals should be aired out after each use.
Collections may again be taken up using baskets in the traditional fashion. All Ushers involved in taking up collections should ensure that they wear masks while undertaking this task and use a collection basket with a long handle to maintain the 6-foot (2-metre) distancing. The passing of baskets is discouraged. The collection of offerings at the doors of the church may continue for the time being.
Liturgical ministries (Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers) are to be reintroduced as per pre-pandemic practice, as long as they maintain the 6-foot (2-metre) distance.
The priest and ministers of Communion must sanitize their hands before and after distribution Communion.
The individual dialogue with each communicant (The Body of Christ / Amen) is restored. (Both ministers and communicants must wear masks.)
Only the priest (and concelebrants) are permitted to receive Communion from the chalice.
Communion on the tongue is again permitted, however only the priest shall be permitted to dispense Communion in this fashion. The congregation is to be informed prior to distribution of Communion that those who wish to receive the Eucharist on the tongue may approach the priest for Communion after all others have received. Should the priest make accidental contact with the communicant's tongue, he shall immediately cease distributing Communion, step back, apply hand sanitizer, and then return to continue to provide Communion.
The cleansing of vessels takes place in the same fashion as prior to Covid-19.
It is recommended that the one-way movement for church entry and exit be retained.
The dispensation from the Sunday Obligation remains in place.
The celebration of the Sacraments can now take place as prior to Covid-19.